Brothers Asphalt Paving & Sealcoating

Asphalt Resurfacing

Professional Asphalt Resurfacing and Repaving In Grand Rapids MI

Asphalt resurfacing can increase the life of your asphalt. The surface will be more durable, which means you’ll have a lower chance of potholes or other problems. It also makes driving on the road much safer. Asphalt resurfacing improves the overall look of your asphalt by removing cracks, potholes, and other imperfections in the surface. This can help make your roads look like new again.

We offer the best service in Grand Rapids MI. We have a team of professionals who work as a team to provide you with the best service. We provide asphalt resurfacing and repaving service in all types of residential and commercial properties. Our team of experts will make sure that your property is resurfaced or repaired at the best possible way. We offer the best service at affordable prices for our customers.

How resurface asphalt driveway

  • Remove the weeds and debris from the driveway.
  • Pour hot asphalt on the driveway, using a roller or spreader.
  • Pick up any excess asphalt with a broom or hand trowel to avoid damaging your concrete driveway.
  • Allow the asphalt to cool for about 30 minutes before walking on it, or use a shovel or mower to level it out if needed.
  • Apply sealer, if desired

Why Resurfacing Important

Damaged or cracked pavement. Damaged pavement can be caused by an impact or heavy vehicle traffic. It also can result from poor drainage, exposure to heat and cold, inadequate maintenance and repair, or improper excavation or construction damage. Excessive cracking or lifting of worn pavement surfaces. This can occur when an excessive number of vehicles drive over the same area during peak traffic hours. It also can happen when heavy snow loads are placed on worn areas of pavement.

Advantages of Asphalt Resurfacing

  • Asphalt resurfacing may be the solution to your drainage problems. The benefits of asphalt resurfacing include:
  • Resurface existing asphalt with a fresh layer of asphalt.
  • A new layer of asphalt will help to improve the drainage on your home or business. This can help to reduce flooding and ensure that all areas are well-drained.
  • It is an opportunity for you to get your driveway, garage or other exterior surfaces looking like new again!
  • Asphalt resurfacing can save you money by reducing maintenance costs over time. It also reduces the chance that you will need to replace your driveway in the near future by providing long-term durability.

Asphalt resurfacing vs Asphalt repair

Asphalt resurfacing is a more permanent solution, while asphalt repair is more like patching up a hole. Asphalt resurfacing involves removing the existing asphalt and replacing it with new pavement. The new pavement can be either durable or porous, depending on what you want to achieve.

Asphalt repair is a more involved process than asphalt resurfacing and requires a different product mix to be applied to your existing asphalt surfaces. It is more expensive than asphalt resurfacing because it involves removing excess material from your existing surface and replacing it with new material, which costs more than just applying another coat of paint or sealer.

Why Choose us for Asphalt Resurfacing In Grand Rapids M

We have many different types of equipment that we use to resurface your driveway, parking lot or even your entire driveway. Whether you need a flat finish or have some cracks in your pavement, there is an option for you at our company. 

Our staff will work with you throughout the process so that you know exactly what needs to happen in order for your project to go smoothly. 

We can even help you with any questions that you may have about asphalt resurfacing so that when it comes time for the job to start, everyone is prepared for what lies ahead of them.We are an honest, professional, and reliable asphalt paving company that provides quality services at an affordable price.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most Frequently asked question by Brothers Asphalt Paving & Sealcoating

Asphalt resurfacing is typically necessary when an existing pavement surface has become damaged, worn out, or deteriorated to the point that it is no longer safe or functional. Signs that resurfacing may be needed include cracks, potholes, unevenness, and general wear and tear.

Asphalt resurfacing involves several steps, including cleaning the surface, patching any cracks or potholes, applying a layer of asphalt binder, and then adding a new layer of asphalt pavement.

The time it takes to complete an asphalt resurfacing project can vary depending on the size of the area being resurfaced, the condition of the existing pavement, and other factors. Generally, however, a typical resurfacing project can take several days to complete.

The lifespan of an asphalt resurfacing project can vary depending on several factors, including the quality of the materials used, the condition of the existing pavement, and how well the surface is maintained. However, in general, a properly installed and maintained asphalt surface can last anywhere from 15 to 25 years or more.

The cost of an asphalt resurfacing project can vary depending on the size of the area being resurfaced, the condition of the existing pavement, and other factors. Generally, however, the cost can range from several thousand to tens of thousands of dollars.

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